Hand Nailing vs. Nail Gun: Which is the Best Method for Installing Roofing Shingles?

Hand Nailing vs. Nail Gun: Which is the Best Method for Installing Roofing Shingles?

The BEST method for installing shingles is a long debate in Memphis, TN. There are definitely two sides to this argument here. One local company has based its entire marketing plan around hand nailing is better. It is worth noting all of the major roofing manufacturers approve and encourage the use of pneumatic nail guns. I’m for one am not choosing sides, i propose each has its advantages and shortfalls, you be the judge.

When it comes to installing roofing shingles, there are a few different methods to choose from in Memphis, TN. Hand nailing and using a nail gun are two popular options, but which one is the best? To help you decide, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each method.

The Pros of Hand Nailing

One of the biggest advantages of hand nailing is precision. When you hand nail, you have complete control over the placement of each nail, which can result in a stronger and more secure roof. This can be especially important in areas prone to high winds or heavy snowfall.

Hand nailing is also quieter than using a nail gun, which can be a major advantage in residential areas or if you’re working during the early morning or late evening. This can help you avoid disturbing your neighbors or violating any noise ordinances.

Finally, hand nailing gives you greater control over the process, which can be helpful in tight spaces or when working on a steep roof. This can make it easier to avoid mistakes or accidents.

The Cons of Hand Nailing

On the downside, hand nailing is a slower process than using a nail gun, which can be a disadvantage if you have a large roof to install. This can result in longer project timelines and higher labor costs.

Hand nailing can also be physically demanding, as it requires lifting and swinging a hammer repeatedly. This can be a concern if you have physical limitations or if you’re working in hot weather. Installers often fatigue later in the day and skip or don’t install the correct quantity.

Finally, hand nailing typically requires more labor, which can result in higher costs for the homeowner. If budget is a major concern, using a nail gun may be a more cost-effective option.

The Pros of Using a Nail Gun

One of the biggest advantages of using a nail gun is speed. A nail gun can significantly speed up the process of installing roofing shingles, which can be a major advantage for large roofs. This can result in shorter project timelines and lower labor costs.

Using a nail gun also requires less physical effort than hand nailing, as it eliminates the need to swing a hammer repeatedly. This can be a major advantage if you have physical limitations or if you’re working in hot weather.

Finally, using a nail gun typically requires less labor, which can result in lower costs for the homeowner. If budget is a major concern, this can be a big advantage.

The Cons of Using a Nail Gun

On the downside, nail guns are louder than hand nailing, which can be a concern in residential areas or at certain times of the day. This can make it more difficult to avoid disturbing your neighbors or violating any noise ordinances.

Finally, there is a small risk of injury when using a nail gun, as it can accidentally discharge nails at high speeds. It’s important to follow all safety instructions and precautions when using a nail gun to avoid accidents.


Both hands nailing and using a nail gun have their own pros and cons, and the right choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Consider all the factors such as the size of your roof, your budget, and any concerns you may have about noise when deciding which method is right for you!

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